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Project Sattva is an initiative to bring efficiency in India’s dairy sector and improve rural livelihoods by rearing of high yielding cattle and value addition to milk through a mutually beneficial relationship.



11 April, 2015

Project Sattva, based in the villages on the periphery of Karnal, Haryana, aims to engage unemployed rural women in the dairy sector and address the issue of poor productivity of cattle in the region. After two years of working closely with the entrepreneurs, the two dairies are now profit-making and sustainable.

Despite the abundance of milk production in India, lack of knowledge on proper rearing practices by dairy farmers, inefficiencies in the distribution network for milk and milk products, and absence of adequate milk processing facilities at the village level have led to severe exploitation of dairy farmers, which in turn, has led to consumption of low quality products.

Through this endeavour, we aim to facilitate access to micro-finance and scientific training to women dairy farmers for rearing of high yielding cattle and promote women-run milk collection and processing units to provide unadulterated milk and milk products to consumers.  


Karnal, Haryana, India


Income generating opportunity for women, Improved efficiency in the dairy sector, High quality dairy products for consumers


To empower rural women by engaging them in the dairy sector.


To ensure greater productivity of cattle and value addition to milk.


To enhance quality of dairy products available to consumers through production of wholesome, unadulterated milk.

Churning Purity Into Progress

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The Community and the Business Model

Although the principal source of livelihood in this region is dairy farming, the sector is heavily dominated by the presence of exploitative middlemen, thereby affecting the various stakeholders in an adverse manner. Dairy farmers in the region also suffer from limited productivity owing to problems like lack of proper knowledge and technology required to secure a higher yield from their cattle.

Due to the lack of monetary contribution from their end, they are subject to ill-treatment and subjugation at the hands of their husbands.


We have identified two villages around Karnal to implement the project, with the help of Arpana Services - an organisation that mobilises women into Self Help Groups to enhance their self-esteem, confidence, and recognition in the community. We have collaborated with National Dairy Research Institute for technical assistance in the project. 

Project Sattva adopts the following project model:

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Triple Botton Line Impact


Project Sattva has already engaged 11 women directly and benefitted 550 people indirectly through improved quality of products. The use of innovative marketing strategies and capacity building has increased revenue of the processor groups and marked a stark increase in the income per woman to Rs. 15,000 per month.



Empower the women to gain ownership of their business, increasing the female labour force participation rate and transforming their role from mere supporters of their husbands to rightful bread earners of their households. Moreover, the supply of fresh, unadulterated milk will improve nourishment in the region.



Training in scientific cattle rearing along with efficient feed management, manure management and product processing will not only ensure good health and high productivity of the cattle but also lead to water conservation and reduced overgrazing..  Also, cattle dung will be converted into manure, vermin-compost and bio pesticides and fertilizers, thus directly helping in improved farming practices in the village.  

Our Vision

Through Project Sattva, we wish to create a sustainable and replicable village-level model in the dairy sector which can be adopted in the dairy farming regions of the country. Our aim is to harness the immense potential in villages near Karnal to create a brand of fresh milk and milk products that can cater effectively to urban markets. In the process we seek to empower unemployed women from these villages to play the lead role and ultimately move towards financial independence.


Pilot Phase

In the pilot phase we are working with two existing women run dairies - Anmol Mahila Dughd Samiti and Nirmaldhara Mahila Dughd Samiti. These dairies will serve as the Producer group for their respective villages under the project model.


Under the pilot phase of Project Sattva, Enactus SRCC will focus on the identification of Kisan Sahyogis in each of the village to ensure better quality and increased quantity of milk for the processor group. We will simultaneously explore new markets for the increased supply of milk and milk products. We will also provide the women with relevant training and guidance to bring efficiency in day-to-day operations.

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