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Project Aahaar

Tackling food waste, empowering farmers.

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Problem Statement

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74 million tonnes of food, 22% of the country's food grain output, is wasted annually in India due to over-ripening.
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Globally, one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted, compelling farmers to discard edible food.
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40% of food losses occur at post harvest and processing levels

Wasted food, if considered a country, would be the third-largest producer of carbon dioxide globally, contributing significantly to the carbon footprint.
In developing nations, 40% of food losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels, resulting in the significant loss of nutritious produce.
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FSSAI reported that 1/3rd of all the food produced in India gets wasted or spoilt, even before its eaten

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Saving the food from getting wasted.

We will rescue 74 million tonnes of food from being wasted, transforming it through upcycling into valuable resources.


Reducing the footprint of landfills.

We intercept and utilize significant amounts of food waste before it reaches large landfills, thereby reducing their footprint.


Creating a healthy snacking habit.

Through repurposing waste, we'll promote healthy snacking habits by offering dehydrated foods that marry taste and fitness.

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Reducing the carbon footprint.

Production, transportation, and handling of food generate significant Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. Our project works to diminish this carbon footprint.


Helping the farmers.

This initiative will provide extra income for farmers and prevent the loss of input costs invested in producing the wasted produce.

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Business Model






Collaborating with FPOs and mobilizing farmers to acquire Agro-Waste

Procuring and transporting waste to the facility

Processing the produce and converting it to dehydrated products,

Giving the finished product back to the farmers to establish a circular economy

Establish market linkages( B2B, B2C) avenues for demand.

Research and Surveys

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For getting raw materials (over-ripened food produce ), we have our on-ground partner - which works closely with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), farmers, and government bodies. We conducted various surveys to analyse farms nearby Delhi, to understand the problem faced by the farmers. We thoroughly studied, consulted various food consultants for development of our final product. To analyse the demand, we also conducted various consumer surveys and studied the demand in retail grocery stores.

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